Monthly Archive: April 2021

Message: Class 'Hybridauth\Hybridauth' not found 0

Message: Class 'Hybridauth\Hybridauth' not found

Error "Message: Class 'Hybridauth\Hybridauth' not found" When trying to login via Hybridauth. Solution Upgrade from Hybridauth 2.X to 3.X to fix this error Reference  

Nginx on port 443 won't serve page 0

Nginx on port 443 won't serve page

Question: I am telling nginx to listen on port 443 and it doesn't work even though my config test is passing. What's wrong? server { listen 443; server_name localhost; server_tokens off; # These are...

Debug PHP code with Visual Studio Code 0

Debug PHP code with Visual Studio Code

Installation You need PHP7 at minimum. You need Visual Studio Code 1) Install php-debug extension. In Visual Studio Code, press F1, then erase the > and type "ext install php-debug" 2) Install X-Debug. Use the...