boost link issue
Boost _ZN5boost6chrono12steady_clock3nowEv => libboost_timer _ZN5boost24scoped_static_mutex_lockC1ERNS_12static_mutexEb => libboost_regex or libboost_graph
Just another Blogs site
Boost _ZN5boost6chrono12steady_clock3nowEv => libboost_timer _ZN5boost24scoped_static_mutex_lockC1ERNS_12static_mutexEb => libboost_regex or libboost_graph
Qt 4.8 + QtCreator 2.8
Qt 4.8 Get the latest Qt 4.8 source code from Qt-Project website, e.g. v. 4.8.7 : Some additional packages need to be installed before building Qt : sudo yum install libX11-devel libXext-devel mesa-libGL-devel...
Allow editing while debugging On the Tools menu, click Options. In the Options dialog box, expand the Debugging node, and select Edit and Continue. In the Options dialog box Edit and Continue...
1. Uninstall MacPort $> sudo port -fp uninstall installed -- This is needed to install some package with Brew - Qt for example. Otherwise you will get this error : ==> make 1 error...
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