Monthly Archive: November 2020

General Web Development Helpers 0

General Web Development Helpers

Style and Design Find a Good Google Font I like looking at the font selected by Typewolf : Otherwise you can browse the whole archive at :

configure: error: freetype-config not found 0

configure: error: freetype-config not found

Compiling php-7.3.21 from source checking for the location of libwebp... no checking for the location of libjpeg... yes checking for the location of libpng... yes checking for the location of libXpm... no checking for...

Component definition is missing display name  react/display-name 0

Component definition is missing display name react/display-name

This can happen when you use forwardRef() in React on your own function component. Component definition is missing display name  react/display-name   Solution interface IsSavedProps {   className?: string; } export interface IsSavedRef {   show: () => void; } export const RebootIsSaved = forwardRef((props: IsSavedProps, ref: Ref<IsSavedRef>) => {    const { className, } = props; (...)   const show = () => {     isSavedTask();...