Monthly Archive: June 2018

Backbone Collection Flexible Value Sorting Solution 0

Backbone Collection Flexible Value Sorting Solution

Model/Collection Declaration Inputs.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Inputs.Model, url: "/apis/v2/inputs", sortAttribute: "name", // supported attributes are model's element names + any custom strategies below comparator: function(model) { return, model); }, strategies: {}, changeSort: function...

Convert a TS file to MP4 using ffmpeg Looselessly 0

Convert a TS file to MP4 using ffmpeg Looselessly

$> ffmpeg -analyzeduration 2147483647 -probesize 2147483647 -i ~/assets/input.ts -c:v copy -c:a copy ~/assets/output.mp4 analyzeduration and probesize are just a safety in case the GOP size is very high in TS stream. You might not need...

Website Tools 0

Website Tools

Emails Google checkmx tool mxtoolbox checker   Page loading speed