Monthly Archive: April 2015

Backbone does not append ID to the URL when updating model 0

Backbone does not append ID to the URL when updating model

The reason could be that you do not use urlRoot. This is not good : Storage.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({ urlRoot: "/apis/storage", url: "/apis/storage", defaults: ... }); This will work: Storage.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({ urlRoot: "/apis/storage", defaults:...

fopen fails to open +4GB file 0

fopen fails to open +4GB file

fopen() returns null on large files above 4GB. Solution: Compile your program with this flag: CFLAGS+=-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 Or find the equivalent flag for your compiler. I first experience this problem when using lighttpd to provide...

Binding on select the correct way 0

Binding on select the correct way

Using backbone and selectpicker events: { "change #exportDestinations": "fixButtonStates" } Just this line is required, it will support both keyup event and onChange - even if it you dont leave focus and use keyboard...

The advantages of Promises and jQuery Deferred 0

The advantages of Promises and jQuery Deferred

The good point The callback can be defined later on and fired even if the original promise already completed. When calling the promise.done(function(){}) it will fire even if the deferred is already completed -...

Install lighttpd from sources on CentOS 0

Install lighttpd from sources on CentOS

Prerequisites $> sudo yum install pcre-devel pcre Untar to a temporary place lighttpd-1.X.X $> ./configure $> make $> sudo make install This will give you a fresh new binary at /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd You can confirm...

How to use Trello API with examples 0

How to use Trello API with examples

But how do I get my board IDs ?!? How can I generate a token ?,write,account Where you input key as being your API key